5 Venturing Out On Saturday Night

I was getting a bit stir-crazy sitting around the apartment on Saturday night, so I decided to head out…somewhere. I called a few of my favorite watering holes along the Hertel Avenue strip, but there was no answer. I called one on Main St, to find they didn’t answer either. Time for me to go hunting for another tavern which had power. I found Gecko’s but I found other pictures of interest on the way.

5.1 Along Cunard Road

Much of the damage I found was elsewhere, but along Cunard Road I found interesting items, such as a few branches down shown in front of a house in figure 51.


Figure 51: Along Cunard Road

In each of the cases, there are not a lot of branches down, such as in both figures 52 and 53.


Figure 52: More Branches Along Cunard Road


Figure 53: Still More Branches Along Cunard Road

5.2 Further Along Cunard Road

Across the street from the North Park Academy, School 66, I spent some time poking around looking over the trees down. Looking across the street from the school in figures 54 and 55, some branches are down in piles.


Figure 54: Across Cunard From North Park Academy


Figure 55: More Across Cunard Road From North Park Academy

Further south along Cunard shows fewer branches along the street as is shown in figure 56.


Figure 56: Still More Across Cunard Road From North Park Academy

But looking into the parking lot of the school, some water in figure 57 is running off the melting snow and wprking its way into the street.


Figure 57: The Parking Lot North of North Park Academy


Figure 58: The Parking Lot of North Park Academy Looking Toward North Drive

5.3 Branches Down On North Park Academy

In §5.2, I looked at the area around the North Park Academy. In this section, I look at branches downed on the Academy grounds itself.

To the southwest of the school building, figures 59 and 60 shows branches down in front of the building.


Figure 59: Branches Down Southwest of North Park Academy


Figure 60: More Branches Down Southwest of North Park Academy


Figure 61: Detail of Branches Down Southwest of North Park Academy

5.4 After North Park Academy

After checking out the branches around North Park Academy, I continued along Cunard and found a few more branches along CUnard as seen in figures 62 and 63.


Figure 62: More Across Cunard Road From North Park Academy


Figure 63: More Across Cunard Road From North Park Academy